Project Management Support
Project management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time.
If you are looking for help managing the initiating, planning, executing & controlling of complex tasks, outsource it. Vorrei Consulting Project Management takes over the day to day effort of keeping track all that needs to be done, and following up with people and teams, to obtain status updates and ensure things get done properly.
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Operations Development & Business Workflows
Strategic Management - Is an organization’s process of continuous planning, executing, monitoring, analyzing and assessing all that is necessary for an organization to meet its goals and objectives in pursuit of a future direction.
By providing business strategy consulting & project management, we help evaluate and transform business models for public and private organizations in order to improve organizational effectiveness, expand the business, and increase profits.
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"Master the Art of Zen"
Online courses providing business strategy.
As an entrepreneur, have you ever wondered how to get all of your daily tasks completed, while also maintaining balance?
Have you ever felt like in order to help your business be successful, you have to sacrifice all the things you love like your hobbies, passions, family & friends?
The BizMind Academy is an online E-Learning course training platform focused on the "Zen" art of doing business. The BizMind Academy believes in a wholistic view on business, and teaching entrepreneurs to value balance and centered awareness, as they strive to achieve their personal and financial goals through business.
BizMind Academy offers courses covering topics such as:
The Zen Art of Business (Masterclass) - This is a 90 day (3 month) program business masterclass designed to help entrepreneurs level up in the area of business. We discuss how to incorporate a "Zen" approach to business when engaging, creating, promoting or operating your business.
Lessons on Time Management - An easy 6 step time management system to help maintain effective time management and maximize productivity in each day.
Phases to Launching a Business - Looking to launch your business but not sure what's next? This course provides a simple 7 phase business launch process, covering all the key areas required when launching a business. Give yourself the peace of mind with a solid business foundation.
And much more. Click the button to learn more.